我的名字是孙忆东,纽约州执照心理咨询师。 目前我跟我的先生在曼哈顿居住。2010那年离开我的家乡山东济南 来到密歇根开始了自己在这片新土地征程。 现在回想 经历了很多之后 如果把我比作一株移植的树 随着我的根在新土地里不断向下 我的根开始跟我的母亲父亲我的来处以新的方式继续缠绕 日渐盘根错落 同时我在适应接受每日不同的天气 周围土壤的养分 我的根也带着我不断地向远方跟其他的树木还有土地建立联系 我自己作为一棵树也变得日益枝繁叶茂。
在这个情景比喻里 我想表达的是我作为树的成长不是一个个体完成的 是来自于我与根 , 周围树木还有一系列我所经历的环境之间的日复一日的体验,联结,互动还有对其的理解消化。 我作为咨询师在过去10年在工作生活中不断成长 我也很期待陪伴你一起 我们在我们建立的关系中 加深对自己的理解认识 一起向下扎根 向上生长。
My name is Yidong Sun, Ed.M., M.A., LMHC. I came to the US as an international student in 2010 from China. From language to custom to culture, I had to relearn everything as if I was reborn into the world. Little did I know, I had been carrying the older and under-developed sense of self, and expanding and growing it ever since. It was a long journey, with many difficult times, I came this far. I began to realize it does not matter how old we are, we all need to go through individuation and differentiation in order to embrace one’s own life. I could not expand the sense of self on my own, I accomplish it through experiencing and understanding different relationships and their impact on me. I hope I can accompany you to do the same, through looking into the relationships you and others and me share, you get to develop your sense of self that nourishes you.